Tracsub is a product that help users manage their subscription accounts.
Researcher, sketching, prototyping, user testing, project management
Sketch, Invision
Design Question
How to help users manage their subscription accounts?

Interview & Survey
I did some research online to get some insights. And get to know on average in the US, people would subscript 17 accounts and spend around $640 per year on those subscription products. And 75% of people have forgotten to pay their accounts and 40% of people Forget to pay the free trails accounts. The top categories include entertainment, home-related, shopping, and professional related.
Interview Insignts
In order to get to know the main painpoints of users, I did user interviews. After interviewing 5 groups of users, I get to know the main pain-point of users of managing subscription accounts are:
Too many accounts, and it's time-consuming to manage each account.
Some of the subscriptions are renewed by default, especially for the free trial accounts. People want to cancel the account if they do not use, rather than being charged.
Hard to track the scheduled payment, and expiring accounts.
Hard to track the expense on each subscription account.
Hard to cancel and get a refund of their subscription accounts
Hard to get the deals info of their subscription plan: bundled price, discount, coupon, alternatives, substitution
Hard to get insights on the overview of all subscriptions that they have

Based on the inverview result, I made personars and assumptions for the product.

Mian Use cases and features
Use Cases & Features
Based on users' painpoints, I developed the use cases and main features.
As a User, I'd like to
Add, and remove subscription accounts in our product
Get the summary of the subscription accounts info, like expiration date, linked card info, last payment date, plan, and price
Search & filter accounts by price, expiration date, and payment date
Monitor the trial account, expiring account (i.e. in 1 month), and schedule payments
Setup autopay, change subscription plan and cancel subscription plans delegated thru our product
Get detailed subscription account info, like payment history, bill history, linked account.
Get verification emails when they cancel, change the subscription plan, and do the autopay in our product.
Get reminders when there is a scheduled payment and accounts about to expire.
Get deals, recommendations, and offers about the subscription plan they currently have
Main Features (based on Use Cases):
User can add, and remove subscription plan in our product
Dashboard to show the summary of the subscription accounts
Subscription details to help users get a better understanding of their account info, and to setup autopay, change subscription plan, and cancel subscribed plans.
Setup reminders to users regard to expiring subscription accounts (regular renewing accounts, and trial accounts), scheduled payments (before and after payment made).
Activities to help users analyze their subscription accounts usage, and give them recommendations to keep, change, or remove subscription plan
Recommend deals and offers to give user options to compare with their existing subscription plans.

User Flow
Based on the use cases, I developed the user flow which will help me to prototype later on and also to redefine the user journey.

After identify the main features of the product, we draw the initial wireframe which allow us to brainstorm on main features without expending to much resources.

Visual Design
To develp the high fedility work for the project. I create the style guide, including the color, typography and layout guidelines.

Main Screens & Design Decisions Made
Final Solution
I started dsigning high fidelity prototyping by creating a style guide for the user interface and deterning major screen of the product. I used Sketch for UI design.
Design Decisions
I the process to make the high fidelity work, I made those four design decisions to redefine the add account process, the layout of the dashboard page, and the layout of the reminder page.

If I have more time, I would do more on the flowings
1. Responsive and Accessibility
2. Built a design library to make the UI component is more consistent.
3. Conduct more user interviews to 1) rule out bias by interview a spectrum of users 2) to get into users head and observe how they use the product
1. Consider more use cases on the main user flow. For example, for the add subscription account process, usually, the user can add their account with SSO. What about the accounts that have not been digitalized and still need to pay checks in person? (i.e. rent and utility bills). How granular we could be, if there are several subscription plans on the same account, and the user just wants to manage a small subset of plans on our product.
2. Working with domain experts (Marketing and PM) to come up with more compelling phrases for users to understand.